,朝晖学院每次考试会按照考试成绩排座位号,你昨晚说的是对的。”提亚拉一边写作业一边说道,”Any idea to stop the insitution to torture students from endless petition to each other?”
“I don’t know for sure. No solution gonna work out unless the citidal of moon cancel relevant policies in education. Students should enjoy taking pages from learning. Rather than petition of getting higher score.”Luna replies sadly. cause she realized, she grew up in this sort of environment.
“Great. Sliver Spoon once revealed that the citidial of moon never take notice of bad thinks take place in our school frequently.”diamond tiara plained again. Seems like she just stand on the peak of high ranking for blame other without concerning.
Luna recall that she once came in third in the ranking out of thousands of students,which was a huge achievement of her,in the Equestira School of magic, “You know what tiara? the main aim of these rankings is to giving information to the A-level students. otherwise, they lose the chance of those slots. After each important exam pass out, Numbers of colleague start to throw out about 100 slots to those well-behavior high school students. Normally, they limited the numbers under 80.”
“consider to delete students who were rewarded from poor growing environment. therefore, these colleague requires limited numbers of student get at least an 80% on this pre-exam. once they pass this exam. No need to participate in moon’s college Scholastic Ability test. For a great of good, they attempted